What people have to say about me

"Aviva worked on our website re-write, writing some of the core copy, as well as content and articles. She quickly got to grips with our company ethos, personality and tone, all of which were reflected in the story telling throughout her copy."
- Hazel Soanes,  Managing Partner at DDB Remedy

 “I read the agency handbook, and it’s really well written. Most companies don’t take the time to write them, or they end up really dull. Ours is really good.” - Copywriter at DDB Remedy

"When I  moved into a new role I brought Aviva onboard as we have a long established working relationship, and because I knew that I could trust her to figure out my needs quickly." - Anna Creutz, Communication Director, Götheborg of Sweden

"Aviva found our tone in no time! She asks relevant questions and inputs to make a better product. It's great working with a translator and editor who has a feel for the environment and audience we target"                         - Anna Creutz, Communications Manager at NetClean

"I worked with Aviva to rewrite my website when I moved my business from party organisation to strategic events planning. She helped me shape and write content that perfectly illustrates that I had grown to be a serious and respected events consultant. Today I still rely on her to help me whenever I need her.”  - Anna Brennan, Events Management Consultant 

As a Swedish teacher:

“Aviva is a very patient teacher, perceptive and very encouraging. She tailors lessons to our skills levels, and encourages us to approach learning through many different media, such as YouTube and listening to the radio. She knows our interests and adds to our learning by including Swedish culture and history into our sessions. We’ve both learned a lot.” - Kristina and Christine